Haley Strategic Partners

Haley Strategic Partners

“Thinkers before Shooters” - Haley Strategic Partners (HSP) produces well thought out  and vetted nylon soft goods. From the D3CRM Micro Chest Rig to the D3 FlatPack and FlatPack Plus, their gear is designed to be completely adaptive to any mission.

Gear - Rigs - Hangers - Haley Strategic Multi-Mission Hanger V2
Gear - Pouches - Utility - Haley Strategic Multi-Tool Pouch
Gear - Rigs - Plate Carrier Parts - Haley Strategic Shoulder Pad Pair
Gear - Pouches - Gunners - Haley Strategic General Purpose SAW Pouch
Gear - Pouches - Rifle Magazine - Haley Strategic SRMP Single Rifle Magazine Pouch V2
Gear - Pouches - Pistol Magazine - Haley Strategic DPMP Double Pistol Magazine Pouch V2
Gear - Pouches - Grenade - Haley Strategic Flashbang Pouch
Gear - Pouches - Grenade - Haley Strategic Frag Pouch
Gear - Pouches - Pistol Magazine - Haley Strategic SPMP Single Pistol Magazine Pouch V2
Gear - Pouches - Grenade - Haley Strategic Smoke Pouch
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